Have you wondered exactly how your new Motion Pro II simulator will fit in your room? Our AR visualizer will let you know for sure how the simulator will look in your space.
Our customers put their simulators in a multitude of different spaces. Some have a large garage or room that is dedicated to their simulator and have no problem accommodating a triple 77” screen setup. Others have less space but still want the triple screens, so they opt for the 55” screen option. For those in small areas, or where the simulator will be sharing space with other furniture or equipment, they may be somewhere between a single screen or a triple screen – or locked into a single screen only.
While we can provide dimensions for any configuration of our simulator, that only lets you know for sure what the footprint of the sim will be. But there’s a better way to know exactly how your room will look once the simulator is installed.
Within our website’s Motion Pro II Configurator is a AR button (or a QR code if you are on a computer). Once you have built your simulator in the configurator, the QR code will use an AR tool to project that exact simulator into your environment. The AR tool will provide a very clear picture of how the simulator will fit into your space.
We created this tool to enable our customers to know exactly how their simulator will work in their space, making them more comfortable with their purchase. Get in touch with us if you are ready to bring a Motion Pro II into your home.